17 December 2012
I’m far from convinced that Giles hasn’t already been working on the audio myself. I think certain things have been said to explain the proposed September release wasn’t a delay caused by the virus. It was interesting we got a September release date one day before it was announced other major films were being held back until at least September because of the virus. Apple would have looked stupid announcing a May release date, and then within a day or two announcing it was being pushed back because cinemas around the world were closing.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
Ron Nasty said
I’m far from convinced that Giles hasn’t already been working on the audio myself. I think certain things have been said to explain the proposed September release wasn’t a delay caused by the virus. It was interesting we got a September release date one day before it was announced other major films were being held back until at least September because of the virus. Apple would have looked stupid announcing a May release date, and then within a day or two announcing it was being pushed back because cinemas around the world were closing.
Let’s think of the fact that Giles Martin is in isolation and the staff at EMI, Savile Row, and Twickenham are down to a skeleton crew.
I see a 2030s release.
seen as though the films and possible album are of Beatles fans, some beatles fans are still without a computer, since they like to live in the 60s still.
I am not right, I am right.
17 December 2012
What the hell does Savile Row and Twickenham have to do with anything? The former base of Apple at 3 Savile Row is now an Abercombie kids clothes store and Twickenham was just where the first few days of the film were filmed. Neither are involved in the 50th anniversary professionally, beyond being sites where the Beatles worked 50 years ago.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
Ron Nasty said
What the hell does Savile Row and Twickenham have to do with anything? The former base of Apple at 3 Savile Row is now an Abercombie kids clothes store and Twickenham was just where the first few days of the film were filmed. Neither are involved in the 50th anniversary professionally, beyond being sites where the Beatles worked 50 years ago.
But isn’t it where some audio is stored?
…or is it all at EMI?
I am not right, I am right.
17 December 2012
It’s all in EMI storage units, or at 27 Ovington Square in Chelsea, London, which is the current base for Apple.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
14 June 2016
Ron Nasty said
I’m far from convinced that Giles hasn’t already been working on the audio myself. I think certain things have been said to explain the proposed September release wasn’t a delay caused by the virus. It was interesting we got a September release date one day before it was announced other major films were being held back until at least September because of the virus. Apple would have looked stupid announcing a May release date, and then within a day or two announcing it was being pushed back because cinemas around the world were closing.
I figured they already had it mostl ready to release due to the fact it was originally planned in April and the virus came in March.
Here | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
1 May 2020
I have some high expectations for Let it be’s 50th for me to like it.
1. It must include outtakes.
I am not talking about “oh, let’s remaster All Things Must Pass , watching rainbows, and Teddy Boy .
I want completely new, never-heard songs such as;
-Annie, Do The bunny hop, Fast Train to San francisco, etc. (See full list of Get back/Let It Be Song List)
-If cannot release it, put it on youtube for fans to actually hear. (I want ALL OF IT)
2. It needs Alternate takes
I need about 45 alternate takes to be happy.
3. 2020 Remix
I need an official Remix of the album.
Since you don’t like Spector, I suggest we have…
-A spector album remix on disc 1,
-A Johns Album Remis on Disc 2 (Glyn johns album remastered too)
-A McCartney/Naked Remix on Disc 4
4. It must come out at least in October.
I can’t wait any longer. after October, I’m drawing the line.
-at least give me some actually useful information beginning in September
5. if the Peter Jackson Film doesn’t use it all, I want special features of unused footage, grainy or not. (I can’t wait for 100 years.)
If there is too much, release a bonus dvd in a deluxe (Super deluxe) package with the Jackson Movie.
6. The Michael Lindsay-Hogg film had better not be edited. I am fine with a restoration, but NO EDITING!
In my opinion, since they have already distributed the album and movies to stores, We will only get 2 or 3 outtakes, 1 or 4 alternate takes, and 3 minutes of unseen fotoage, (Not including the rooftop concert)
It’s a dose of reality, forumpudlians.-
I am not right, I am right.
1 November 2013
1 May 2020
20 August 2013
@KaosTictaw, do not make any new threads until you have asked about making one in the Thread Search Thread. Here’s the link so you can bookmark it https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..ch-thread/
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The Hole Got Fixed, meanmistermustard, lovelyritametermaid, WeepingAtlasCedarsCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 May 2020
also, let’s assess the fact that the film will be released alongside the 2-song album, in february, allowing the film to be hated and left unreleased. goodbye, Get Back sessions.
I am not right, I am right.
17 December 2012
I don’t know where you get this idea that the 50th Anniversary releases have only contained an additional “2 or 3 songs”, @KaosTictaw. Pepper had an extra 37; the White 77; and AR 39, so where is this “2 or 3” coming from?
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
sir walter raleigh, WeepingAtlasCedars"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
Ron Nasty said
I don’t know where you get this idea that the 50th Anniversary releases have only contained an additional “2 or 3 songs”, @KaosTictaw. Pepper had an extra 37; the White 77; and AR 39, so where is this “2 or 3” coming from?
it’s coming from my doubt that yoko, paul, olivia, and ringo will allow any new songs to be released.
I am not right, I am right.
17 December 2012
But they’ve done it three times already!!! Pepper, an additional 37 tracks; the White, an additional 77 tracks; AR, an additional 39 tracks. I just do not get where you are coming from, unless you mean completely “new” songs, and they just don’t exist. The Beatles left very few unreleased so far as songs go.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
17 December 2012
I don’t need to look at the list. I have got the January 1969 sessions, KT, and as you know, have offered them to you. You declined with your non-response. Much of it was only recorded on the film audio recording, the Nagra tapes, and how much Giles has been able to do with them audiowise will dictate how usable they are, and there’s lots that – having heard it – isn’t worth an official release. There is some fantastic stuff though, and given the 50th anniversary releases so far, I’m expecting a lot of unreleased material to become released material, and that it will likely compete with the 50th White, which had 77 unreleased recordings, and probably exceed it, but I’m not looking for every second of the 150 hours of recordings that exist. I don’t need the dross, I want the gems – which some of the unreleased titles are, but many are not.
Sounds like nothing will please you beyond them releasing every second, however good or bad, and giving them away for free. Myself, I expect a nicely curated collection from the official release, like the previous 3, which all included much more than your “2 or 3” new recordings. If I want everything, turn to the bootlegs, as others are happy to do because there’s much that doesn’t deserve official release.
The film will come, the box set will come, it’s all lined up and ready to go, and will most likely happen around September.
You constant cynicism is becoming wearing, not having a good word to say – when all recent evidence doesn’t support your view, is becoming wearing.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
KaosTictaw"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
1 May 2020
17 December 2012
None of us are looking to discourage you, @KaosTictaw. It’s always good to see enthusiastic Beatles’ fans join the forum but, just maybe, calm it down a little, and be a little less cynical. The 50th anniversary releases have all been pretty impressive, contained a lot of officially unreleased music, Paul and Ringo have both been speaking enthusiastically about Peter Jackson’s new film, along with an expanded and remixed version of the album. The only reason for the delay has been COVID-19.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
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