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Best and worst from each album
27 November 2010
Whitewater WI
London Palladium
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Please Please Me

F-Twist And Shout

LF- Taste of Honey


With The Beatles

F- All My Loving

LF- I Wanna Be Your Man


A Hard Days Night

F- I Should Have Known Better

LF- I'll Be Back    Very Meh Ending to such a great album


Beatles For Sale

F- I'll Follow The Sun

LF- Words Of Love .  Would be Mr. Moonlight, but John's Intro is too awesome.


Help !

F- You've got to Hide Your Love Away

LF- Dizzy Miss Lizzy


Rubber Soul

F- Norweigan Wood or You Won't See Me.

LF- What Goes On .  In my opinion the only weak point of Rubber Soul .  No offense to Ringo, it just does not catch my attention.



F- I love this album.  Its hard to pick a favorite, but I think I'm Only Sleeping takes the victory.  In a close second is And Your Bird Can Sing /For No One /Tomorrow Never Knows .

LF- Doctor Robert


Sgt Peppers

F- A Day In The Life

LF- Being for the Benifit of Mr. Kite


Magical Mystery Tour

F- Strawberry Fields Forever “Living is easy with eyes closed.  Misunderstanding all you see.”  One of my favorite lyrics

LF- No song really stands out as my least favorite.  But I guess if I had to pick one it would be Your Mother Should Know


White Album (Disc 1)-

F- Dear Prudence

LF- Wild Honey Pie


White Album Disc 2

F- Helter Skelter

LF- Good Night


Yellow Submarine

Order-  Hey Bulldog , It's All Too Much, All Together Now , Only A Northern Song


Abbey Road

I love all of the songs on this amazing album equally


Let It Be

F- Get Back

LF- For You Blue


Past Masters 1

F- She's a Woman

LF- Matchbox


Past Masters 2

F- We Can Work It Out

LF- The Inner Light

4 December 2010
The Walrus
Working for the national health
Candlestick Park
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Just albums I know:

Help !

Favourite: Ticket To Ride within the album, Yesterday outside of it.

Least Favourite: Act Naturally . I actually like it, but I can't think of a song I dislike from there- maybe “Tell Me What You See “.


Rubber Soul

Favourite: Three way tie between You Won't See Me, Nowhere Man and Run For Your Life . You Won't See Me has such a nice rhythm, some of Paul's best vocals, great harmonies, and solid lyrics. Nowhere Man , again, fantastic harmonies. Actually, it's essentially John's “You Won't See Me”, and the two songs sum up the difference between John and Paul for me. Run For Your Life has a great guitar riff, and John's vocals are fantastic. They really suit the chilling dramatic monologue. Great poetry.

Least favourite: Hard to say, because I think Rubber Soul is the strongest album, song for song. Maybe “Wait ” or “If I Needed Someone “, or “Michelle “. Actually, definitely Michelle .



Favourite: a tie between “For No One ” and “Tomorrow Never Knows “. I first listened to Revolver when I was half asleep. Essentially, from the last note of “Eleanor Rigby ” to the first of “Yellow Submarine ” was a psychedelic blur, as were “Good Day Sunshine ” and “And Your Bird Can Sing “. Then “For No One “- Paul's voice! “Your day breaks. Your mind aches. You find that all her words of kindness linger on when she no longer needs you.” The use of second person, the imperatives, the contrast to the previous blur of sitars and double tracked vocals… beautiful, striking, touching.

Then a bit more of a blur, then Tomorrow Never Knows . Again, the vocals- “turn off your mind”- but also the even weirder vocals, the backwards bits, the crazy sounds, the return of McCartney's guitar solo, Lennon's voice sounding progressively weirder… and then “of the beginning, of the beginning, of the beginning”. That line made me think “blimey, I've just heard a masterpiece!”. Hats off to george-martin

Least Favourite: Yellow Submarine . 'Nuff said.


Sgt Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Favourite: A Day In The Life

Least Favourite: Lovely Rita


The Beatles

Favourite: Helter Skelter

Least Favourite: Revolution 9


Abbey Road

Favourite: Medley

Least Favourite: Oh! Darling – I love Octopus's Garden because it's Ringo (adj.), and Maxwell's Silver Hammer is bouncy at least.

I told her I didn’t 

8 December 2010
Penny Lane
A Beginning
Forum Posts: 6
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8 December 2010
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Please Please Me
 F – Love Me Do /There's a Place/P.S. I Love you (cant chose much between these)
 LF – Anna

 With The Beatles
 F – All My Loving (Macca and his vocal awesomeness)
 LF – Money

 A Hard Day's Night
 LF – A Hard Day's night(tried to sing it once with Karaoke, damn damn damn difficult)/I should've known better
 LF – And I Love Her

 Beatles For Sale
 F – I'll follow the Sun
 LF – Honey Don't/Every Little thing

 Help !
 F – You've got to hide your love away/ Yesterday
 LF – I've just seen a face

 Rubber Soul
 F – Norwegian Wood
 LF – Run For Your Life

 F – Tomorrow Never Knows
 LF – For No One

 Sgt. Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band
 F – A Day In The Life
 LF – (perhaps) Being for the benefit of Mr. Kite

 The Beatles (aka the White Album )
 F – A tie between
  Helter Skelter (too too diff from almost anything in Beatles catalogue and yet superb)
  Honey Pie (McCartney with his music hall, just works wonders for me)

 LF – Wild Honey Pie (A nothing song)

 Yellow Submarine
 F – Like the side two, specially March of Meanies, but its the whole package which makes a story which I like
 LF – Perhaps, All together now (not so sure though)

 Abbey Road
  F – Something / Here Comes The Sun
 (Its all Harrison for me when it comes to this album)
  LF – I want You (too long and the beginning is same as Because , which I like more than this)

 Let It Be

  F – Let it be (just Let it be)/Two of Us (surreal feeling)
 LF –  One After 909 (Never listened much)

apple01 apple01 apple01

8 December 2010
The Toppermost of the Poppermost
Apple rooftop

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14 April 2010
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Paperback_Writer said:


    Honey Pie (McCartney with his music hall, just works wonders for me)


You don't often see this song as one of someone's favorites – nice choice. I always felt it was a nice little tribute to Jim Mac's Jazz Band.

To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.

8 December 2010
Northern Ontario, same as Von Bontee
Apple rooftop
Forum Posts: 5681
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1 December 2009
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OK, here we go. You'll note that when it comes to the “worsts”, I can rarely bring myself to condemn the entire song – it's usually just a minor detail or two that I wish was different.

PPM – Best: “I Saw Her Standing There “. “Please Please Me ” itself is probably the better song, and “Twist And Shout ” the more intense performance. But there's just something thrilling about hearing that “One, two, three, FAW!” and instantly recognizing the beginning to a great song, great album, great career! It begins here. Worst: “Love Me Do “. I don't often complain about lyrics, and idiotic lyrics don't necessarily make a song bad. But they do make “Love Me Do ” the 14th-best song here.

WTB – Best: “It Won't Be Long”: Another electrifying album-opener, one that jumps right out of the gate and makes even better use of the word “yeah” than “She Loves You “. Worst: “Roll Over Beethoven “. Of all the Beatles, George's singing style was the least suited for rock n' roll shouting, so he was the wrong Beatle to sing this one. Plus he messes up the guitar intro (intentionally or not.)

AHDN – Best: “If I Fell “. Those J&P harmonies!  Worst: “Can't Buy Me Love”. I dunno, I guess I just find this one kinda bland and overplayed. 12-Bar construction isn't much to speak of. Best thing about the song is the partially-erased guitar solo and the “No no no…no!”

BFS – Best: “Baby's In Black”. Those J&P harmonies, part 2! Worst: “Words Of Love “. Those handclaps on every bar irritate me. Silly reason to call a song “worst”, I know, but that's the way it is.

Help ! – Best: “You've Got To Hide Your love Away”. One of John's best-ever vocals. Worst: “You Like Me Too Much “. Just bland.

RS – Best: So hard to choose! There's five or six that could conceivably be my favourite on any given day. But on this date, picking anything other than “In My Life ” just won't do. Worst: “Run For Your Life ” pretty easily (tho I don't dislike it.)

R – Best: Another monster with a half-dozen candidates for first place. I'll say “Tomorrow Never Knows “. Worst: “Good Day Sunshine “. I dunno, it just kinda feels like a half-song to me sometimes. And I don't like the key change near the end – a trick that rarely impresses me.

SPLHCB – Best: First, a confession: “A Day In The Life ” is not my favourite; I usually rank “Lucy” higher. But again, just for today, anything other than “ADITL” is unthinkable. Worst: Title cut, just because it violates my sense of “pop-song symmetry.” it's got a verse, then the refrain, then a kind of bridge, then a second verse, then…the song ends! and fades into the next track, when I really wanted to hear that refrain a second time. I know, it's a clever trick to confound my expectations like that, and that's admirable, but that's speaking intellectually – almost subconsciously, I find myself missing that sense of musical “closure”. (If that makes any sense at all…)

MMT – Best: “Strawberry Fields Forever “. A triumph for all involved! Worst: “Your Mother Should Know “. For the most part, I think Paul's “granny s**t” is just fine, but this one really isn't anything special. The instrumental bits meander and I miss the technicolour trippiness that the rest of the album wallows in.

TB 1 – Best: “Dear Prudence “. Just beautiful. Worst: “Wild Honey Pie “. Especially on a double album where there's plenty of room for them, these types of brief what-the-hell throwaway oddities are fine with me. But some of Paul's dubbed vocal tracks come too close to minstrelry for my comfort.

TB 2 – Best: “Helter Skelter “. What a racket! No WAY did this invent heavy metal-as-we-know-it, and as a onetime headbanger, I should know! Metal relies on precision and control, not the type of staggering, flailing, leaking disarray that “Helter Skelter ” is built on. Worst: “Revolution 1 “. Nothing really wrong with it (well, maybe the horns. and the shoo-be-doo-wahs), and I like the weird electronic noises and sonic flaws. But really, when it comes to “Revolution ” it's all about the SINGLE.

YS – Best: Well, in the past I would've said “It's All Too Much”, which we all know is great. But ever since I heard the original unedited (and unreleased) full version of this song, I can't fully enjoy the shorter one. So it's “Hey Bulldog “, 'cause it rocks so joyously with that bass and piano and that John & Paul banter at song's end, sounded like they were having fun! Worst: “All Together Now “. Fun but an obvious throwaway.

LIB (yeah, not AR!) – Easiest choices of any album. Best is “Across The Universe ” and worst is “The Long & Winding Road”, that is all.

AR – Best: The medley (or medleys) is unstoppable, too full of razzle-dazzle highlights, peaks and valleys, to be ignored. (For individual tracks, I'd probably go for “Here Comes The Sun ”  or “She's So Heavy”.) Worst: “Oh! Darling “. Great song, nowhere near bad…but the staccato arpeggios during the bridge always irritate me somewhat; if they were less distorted and played less rigidly and allowed to ring a bit, they'd sound better to my finicky ears. And was that repetition of the bridge even necessary, for that matter?)

PM 1 – Best: “I Want To Hold Your Hand “. “She Loves You ” may be more iconic, the Little Richard covers (and imitations) may be more rocking, but no song conveys Beatlemania (or my imagined version of it) better than “Hand”. Those reverberating microtones resulting from that shared “I can't HIIIIIIDE!” can still give me chills me if I'm in the right mood. Worst: “Thank You Girl ” and “I'll Get You” are both pretty weak early b-sides but I'll have to say “Matchbox ” – it's my least favourite Ringo vocal, and the only one in which I can't detect any personality. He just sounds bored, for whatever reason.

PM 2 – Best: Damn, on a song-for-song basis, this just might be the finest Beatles album in existence! Half the songs here could be my favourite on any given day, and the other half could be my second-favourite. For the moment, I'm gonna say “We Can Work It Out ” – how can a single song encompass such optimism and despair both? Beats me. Worst: There's no song here that I even come close to disliking. But, as with my remarks on “It's All Too Much”, I can no longer fully enjoy “You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)” in the edited version found here, since I know what the full-length unedited one is like. So, that's the worst.

(Wow, wrote a lot more than I ever intended…good thing it was a really slow day here at work)

GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty. 


8 December 2010
Nowhere Land
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9 June 2010
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“He sounds bored, for whatever reason.”

I can totally imagine Ringo sitting there, tilting his chair back, and singing the song because he has nothing else to do. 

Your signature is back! (!!!!!!!!!)

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

9 December 2010
A Beginning
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5 October 2010
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Please Please Me

F- One Two Three Fah: I Saw Her Standing There

LF- Chains

With The Beatles

F- All My Loving OR Till There Was You
LF- It Won't Be Long

A Hard Day's Night

F- I Should Have Known Better

LF- You Can't Do That

Beatles For Sale

F-What You're Doing/I'm A Loser

LF- Kansas City / Hey Hey Hey Hey

Help !

F-I've Just Seen A Face

LF- Dizzy Miss Lizzy (worst Beatles song ever, IMO)

Rubber Soul

F- Varies more than any other album, but right now probably I'm Looking Through You

LF- What Goes On


F- And Your Bird Can Sing , maybe

LF- Hardest choice of any album, but probably I Want To Tell You

Sgt. Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band

F- Fixing A Hole

LF- Sgt. Pepper 's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)

Magical Mystery Tour (proper album part)

F- Blue Jay Way

LF-I Am The Walrus

Magical Mystery Tour (1967 singles part)

F- Strawberry Fields Forever

LF- Baby You're A Rich Man

White Album Disc 1

F- Dear Prudence

LF- The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill (I hate the chorus, and Yoko can't sing)

White Album Disc 2

F- Cry, Baby, Cry

LF- Birthday

Yellow Submarine (album part)

F- Hey Bulldog /It's All Too Much

LF- Only A Northern Song /All Together Now

Yellow Submarine (Martin's scores)

F- Pepperland

LF- Pepperland Laid Waste

Abbey Road

F- Medley, doubtless. If it doesn't count, Something

LF- Oh! Darling

Let It Be

F- I Me Mine

LF- For You Blue

Past Masters , Vol. 1

F- From Me To You

LF- Bad Boy

Past Masters , Vol. 2

F- The Inner Light

LF- Day Tripper


The thing is, there's very few songs actually “bad”. They all are of such an intensely high quality level.

9 December 2010
Northern Ontario, same as Von Bontee
Apple rooftop
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1 December 2009
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Zig said:

Paperback_Writer said:


    Honey Pie (McCartney with his music hall, just works wonders for me)


You don't often see this song as one of someone's favorites – nice choice. I always felt it was a nice little tribute to Jim Mac's Jazz Band.

I hated “Honey Pie ” for a long time 'cause of Paul's really fey vocal – I thought it sounded like (shudder) Tiny Tim. But I smartened up and eventually came to like it a lot. And then later, I found out that God Bless Tiny Tim is actually a really great debut album!

GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty. 


9 December 2010
Rain? I don't mind
Candlestick Park
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1 May 2010
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vonbontee said:

Zig said:

Paperback_Writer said:


    Honey Pie (McCartney with his music hall, just works wonders for me)



You don't often see this song as one of someone's favorites – nice choice. I always felt it was a nice little tribute to Jim Mac's Jazz Band.

I hated “Honey Pie ” for a long time 'cause of Paul's really fey vocal – I thought it sounded like (shudder) Tiny Tim. But I smartened up and eventually came to like it a lot. And then later, I found out that God Bless Tiny Tim is actually a really great debut album!

Well since you mentioned him…

I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine

9 December 2010
The Toppermost of the Poppermost
Apple rooftop

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14 April 2010
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a-hard-days-night-ringo-8The expression on Dick Martin's face is priceless. I used to love that show as a kid.

To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.

9 December 2010
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
Forum Posts: 6394
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19 September 2010
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Zig said:

Paperback_Writer said:


    Honey Pie (McCartney with his music hall, just works wonders for me)



You don't often see this song as one of someone's favorites – nice choice. I always felt it was a nice little tribute to Jim Mac's Jazz Band.

Because it is a Throwback to an old era, during a time of rebellion, it doesn't fit. The only difference between that and George's Indian music is that At Least George had Profound Lyrics

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

16 December 2010
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
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19 September 2010
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MeanMrs.Mustard said:

Gasp! I didn't even think to do Past Masters Vols. 1 and 2! Erm…

Volume 1: “We Can Work It Out .” Gotta love the harmonium! “Slow Down .” I'm not a fan of the covers as singles in general. But “This Boy ” was definitely competition.

Volume 2: Both my earlier faves were from Volume 2. a-hard-days-night-ringo-8

WCWIO is Vol. 2

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

16 December 2010
Nowhere Land
Forum Posts: 2688
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9 June 2010
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mr. Sun king coming together said:

MeanMrs.Mustard said:

Gasp! I didn't even think to do Past Masters Vols. 1 and 2! Erm…

Volume 1: “We Can Work It Out .” Gotta love the harmonium! “Slow Down .” I'm not a fan of the covers as singles in general. But “This Boy ” was definitely competition.

Volume 2: Both my earlier faves were from Volume 2. a-hard-days-night-ringo-8

WCWIO is Vol. 2

Whoops! You're right. I don't usually listen to them separately, so I was confuzzled. 😛

My new favorite from Volume 1 is “I'm Down.” 

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

16 December 2010
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
Forum Posts: 6394
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19 September 2010
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MeanMrs.Mustard said:

Whoops! You're right. I don't usually listen to them separately, so I was confuzzled. 😛
My new favorite from Volume 1 is “I'm Down.” 

Confuzzled? I just Zigged

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

16 December 2010
Nowhere Land
Forum Posts: 2688
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9 June 2010
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You should probably stop drinking fluids while reading this forum.

Hey, that sounds like a thing for the Forum: “Caution: Do not drink ANY beverage while reading this Forum. If you do, you might choke or spit it all out.”



If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

16 December 2010
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
Forum Posts: 6394
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19 September 2010
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MeanMrs.Mustard said:

You should probably stop drinking fluids while reading this forum.

Hey, that sounds like a thing for the Forum: “Caution: Do not drink ANY beverage while reading this Forum. If you do, you might choke or spit it all out.”





As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

16 December 2010
Nowhere Land
Forum Posts: 2688
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9 June 2010
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Joe! Joe! 

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

23 December 2010
Inner Light
Friar Park
Carnegie Hall
Forum Posts: 531
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20 December 2010
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Please Please Me

Favorite – Please Please Me

Less Favorite – Anna

With The Beatles :

Favorite – Not A Second Time

Less Favorite – Till There Was You

A Hard Day's Night:

Favorite – A Hard Day's Night

Less Favorite – When I Get Home

Beatles For Sale :

Favorite – I Don't Want To Spoil The Party

Less Favorite – Mr. Moonlight

Help !

Favorite – The Night Before

Less Favorite – Dizzy Miss Lizzy

Rubber Soul :

Favorite – If I Needed Someone

Less Favorite – You Won't See Me

Revolver :

Favorite – Taxman

Less Favorite – Good Day Sunshine

Sgt. Peppers:

Favorite – Within You, Within You

Less Favorite – She's Leaving Home

Magical Mystery Tour

Favorite – Stawberry Fields Forever

Less Favorite – You Mother Should Know

White Album :

Favorite – Savoy Truffle

Less Favorite – Revolution 9

Yellow Submarine :

Favorite – Hey Bulldog

Less Favorite – All Together Now

Let It Be :

Favorite – I Me Mine

Less Favorite – The Long And Winding Road

Abbey Road :

Favorite – Here Comes The Sun

Less Favorite – Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Past Masters :

Favorite – I Feel Fine

Less Favorite – You Know My Name (Look Up The Number)

The further one travels, the less one knows

23 December 2010
Nowhere Land
Forum Posts: 2688
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9 June 2010
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I think I'm starting to like you very much, Inner Light.

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

23 December 2010
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
Forum Posts: 6394
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19 September 2010
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MeanMrs.Mustard said:

I think I'm starting to like you very much, Inner Light.

*Zigs with Rockets*

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

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